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    为探明奶牛粪沼液连续施用对耕层土壤团聚体及有机碳活性的影响,本研究以小麦-玉米轮作体系为研究对象,进行了2年奶牛粪沼液连续施用的田间小区试验,分析了沼液施用后表层(0~10 cm)和亚表层(10~20 cm)土壤水稳性团聚体及其总有机碳与各活性组分含量的变化特征.研究发现:施用沼液后土壤团聚体稳定性显著(P<0.05)增加,土壤小团聚体有向大团聚体演化的趋势,且沼液施用量越大,耕层土壤中大团聚体增加越多;施用沼液后耕层土壤碳库存分别比施用化肥的处理增加25.9%~35.2%,高活性有机碳的变化对土壤碳库的影响最大;施用沼液会通过活性碳的输入提升耕层土壤碳库活度,且亚表层土壤碳库活度对外源有机物的输入更加敏感,大团聚体中活性较高有机碳增加是主要驱动因子.


    The organic carbon in soil aggregates plays an important role in the dynamic balance of soil carbon pool.In order to explore the impacts of digested dairy slurry application on soil aggregates and their organic carbon composition,this study was carried out in a wheat and maize rotation system applied with digested dairy slurry for two years.The characteristics of soil aggregates and their total organic carbon and compositions in soil layer of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm were studied after harvest.The results were that the stability of soil aggregates increased significantly (P<0.05) after the digested dairy slurry application.The digested dairy manure was beneficial to the improvement of macro aggregates.Meanwhile,this trend was more obvious with the increase of the amount of digested dairy slurry.The soil carbon stock in the treatment of digested dairy slurry application increased by 25.9%-35.2% compared with that in treatments of chemical fertilizer application.The changes of soil carbon stock were mainly due to high-activity organic carbon.The soil carbon pool activity was improved due to the input of labile carbon in the digested dairy slurry.In addition,the soil carbon pool activity in the soil layer of 10-20 cm was more sensitive to the input of additive organic matters.The highly active organic carbon in the macro aggregates was the main drive factor.This study could provide scientific support for the reasonable application of digestates for the improvement of carbon sequestration potential from the farmland ecosystems.

  • 0 引言

  • 土壤有机碳(SOC)在陆地生态系统物质循环过程发挥着重要作用,是评估土壤肥力和功能的核心指标[1].农田生态系统作为陆地生态系统中人为干扰最明显和最活跃的系统,在全球碳平衡中具有重要的地位[2].农田耕层(0~20cm)土壤中有近90%的SOC位于土壤团聚体内[3],深入剖析耕层土壤团聚体内有机碳数量和活性的变化对揭示人为干扰下土壤碳库及其动态具有重要意义.

  • 畜禽粪便沼液是养殖场粪便经厌氧发酵处理后的液体产物,年产生量超过4亿t.还田利用是畜禽粪便沼液最有效和最可行的消纳途径之一,不仅可以减少农田化学肥料的投入,而且能有效改良土壤,提升作物品质,也是推动种养结合循环农业发展的重要途径[4].畜禽粪便源沼液等外源有机质的输入可改变土壤团聚体结构和稳定性,对SOC周转产生着深刻的影响[5-7].前期研究发现,牛粪沼液施用可促进土壤团聚体稳定性[8],对表层SOC库存量具有显著的正效应[9];在潮土、红壤和沙土连续多年施用猪粪沼液后,耕层土壤大团聚体(粒径>0.25mm)含量增加[10-11],团聚体稳定性提高,且与活性有机碳含量呈正相关[12];猪粪沼液施用可显著增加红壤耕层土壤大团聚体中SOC的储存量[13],而在贫瘠沙土中SOC库虽无显著变化,但活性有机碳组分含量显著提高[14].

  • 活性有机碳(ASOC)是土壤中有效性较高、易被微生物和植物利用、对农田管理措施响应最敏感的SOC组分[15],与土壤团聚体稳定性和碳库动态高度相关[16].研究发现,能被333mmol/L高锰酸钾(KMnO4)氧化的有机碳在作物种植过程中变化最大[17-18],故此部分易氧化有机碳通常被作为土壤活性有机碳的指示因子[19],也是目前国际上公认的评价土壤碳库动态变化的良好指标[20].国内外对于秸秆还田、固体有机肥施用后ASOC的研究较多,而对于畜禽粪便沼液还田后土壤团聚体有机碳及其活性组分的研究十分缺乏[21].明晰畜禽粪便沼液施用对土壤有机碳库的变化特征及其过程机制的影响,特别是探明其对土壤团聚体有机碳组分的影响,对全面准确评估沼液还田的生态环境效应具有重要的意义.

  • 小麦-玉米轮作系统是我国重要的作物种植体系,该体系中施用沼液的相关研究主要集中在华北地区,而对于华东地区的研究较少.基于此,本研究以江苏省北部典型小麦-玉米轮作农田为研究对象,通过连续2年施用奶牛粪沼液替代化肥作为基肥,探讨耕层(0~20cm)土壤团聚体、碳库及其有机碳活性组分的变化特征,明确土壤团聚体有机碳组分与土壤有机碳库累积的关系,为农田生态系统增汇和土壤固碳潜力提升提供关键技术和基础参数支撑.

  • 1 材料与方法

  • 1.1 试验地概况

  • 试验区位于江苏省宿迁市泗洪县(118°2′42″E,33°21′36″N)某规模奶牛养殖场的配套农田内.该地区气候类型为暖温带季风性气候,年平均日照2 200h,年平均气温14.3℃,全年无霜期约200d,年降水量约1 000mm.土壤类型属黄褐土,耕层土壤基本理化特征详见表1.奶牛粪沼液还田利用定位试验开始于2018年4月,种植方式为夏玉米-冬小麦轮作.玉米在每年6月播种,9月下旬收获;小麦在每年10月初播种,次年6月上旬收获.

  • 1.2 供试奶牛粪沼液

  • 供试奶牛粪沼液(以下简称“沼液”)取自规模奶牛场内的黑膜厌氧发酵池,单体容积为5 000m3,共5个.该养殖场奶牛存栏量常年稳定在2 800~3 000头,清粪方式为链条式机械刮粪,收集到的粪尿及冲圈废水首先经过螺旋挤压式固液分离机,分离液进入黑膜沼气池,水力停留时间常年维持在90~120d,已正常运行3年.发酵后的沼液通过管道输送至周边农田,作为底肥进行施用,施用装置采用自主研发的沼液喷灌机(ZL 201921944557.5).施用期间供试沼液的基本理化特性详见表2.

  • 1.3 试验设计

  • 试验设置4个施肥处理,分别为:不施肥的对照处理(CF0)、化肥处理(CF100)、100%沼液氮替代处理(BS100)、150%沼液氮替代处理(BS150).每个处理重复3次,12个试验小区随机排列.小区面积为30m2(长7.5m、宽4.0m),各小区间设置1.5m宽的保护行.种植的玉米和小麦品种分别为烟农19和雅玉8号.根据作物养分需求,夏季CF100组的尿素(CH4N2O)、过磷酸钙[Ca(H2PO4)2]、氯化钾(KCl)施用量分别为293.7、937.7和187.7kg/hm2,冬季施用量分别为390.7、1 500.0和200.0kg/hm2.根据等氮量替代原则,夏季BS100和BS150处理的沼液施用量分别为47.0和70.9t/hm2,冬季施用量分别为40.1和60.1t/hm2.施用沼液的处理中不足的磷和钾分别添加Ca(H2PO4)2和KCl予以补充.各处理的其他田间管理措施相同.

  • 1.4 样品采集与分析

  • 1.4.1 土壤样品采集

  • 土壤样品取样时间为2020年5月20日(即小麦收获后),采用五点取样法,用土钻分别取0~10cm和10~20cm深度的土壤样品各1kg左右,放入自封袋中密封,12h内将土样运回实验室.在实验室内将土壤样品沿其结构、自然缝隙轻轻掰成小土块,并剔除根茬、石块和动物残体,混匀后分为两部分:一部分放置在阴凉通风处进行风干,另一部分置于-20℃冰箱中保存,待测.土壤容重的测定采用环刀法.

  • 表1 试验地耕层土壤基本理化特性

  • Table1 The background values of topsoil in the experimental field

  • 注:平均值±标准误(n=3);TN、TP分别表示总氮(质量分数)、总磷(质量分数)均以干质量计,下同.

  • 表2 供试奶牛粪沼液的理化特性

  • Table2 Physical and chemical properties of digested dairy slurry in the field experiment

  • 注:平均值±标准误(n=3);TS表示总固体(质量分数),COD和NH+4-N分别表示化学需氧量(质量浓度)、铵态氮(质量浓度),下同.

  • 1.4.2 作物产量测定

  • 小麦或玉米成熟后,每个小区随机设置1m×1m的样方对作物进行测产,并折算成每公顷作物的产量.

  • 1.4.3 土壤团聚体分级

  • 采用Elliott等[22]的方法进行团聚体分级.取上述风干土样250g,放置于干筛组(孔径依次为2、1、0.5和0.25mm)中,放在震荡机(上虞市瞬龙实验仪器厂,浙江)上震荡15min.然后将每个筛上的团聚体按粒径类别称重,计算各粒径干筛团聚体所占团聚体质量百分比;按干筛的各粒径团聚体所占比例配成50g土样,置于筛组(孔径依次为0.25和0.053mm)中,在室温条件下用蒸馏水浸润5min,以30次/min速度在蒸馏水中震荡2min,上下振幅为3cm;筛分完成后,收集每一层筛子上的水稳性团聚体,将各筛上的团聚体分别冲洗到烧杯中,获得>0.25mm(大团聚体)、0.053~0.25mm(微团聚体)和<0.053mm(粉黏团聚体)3个组分.置于55℃烘箱中烘干并称重,计算各粒径团聚体的占比:

  • wi=mim×100
  • 其中,wi表示土壤某一级水稳性团聚体的质量分数(%),mi表示土壤某一级水稳性团聚体的质量(g),m表示土壤水稳性团聚体总质量(g),100表示换算系数.

  • 1.4.4 土壤有机碳及其活性组分测定

  • 土壤总有机碳质量分数(TSOC,单位为g/kg)采用K2Cr2O7容量-外加热法测定[23]:

  • TSOC=C0V0-V×3×1.1m
  • 其中,C 0为FeSO4的浓度(mol/L),V 0为空白滴定消耗FeSO4体积(mL),V为样品滴定消耗FeSO4体积(mL),3为1/4碳原子的摩尔质量(g/mol),1.1为氧化校正系数,m为样品称样量(g).

  • 土壤活性有机碳(ASOC)采用KMnO4氧化法[18].KMnO4浓度分别为333、167和33mmol/L,分别测定的是低活性有机碳(LSOC)、中活性有机碳(MSOC)和高活性有机碳(HSOC).ASOC(单位为g/kg)计算式为:

  • ASOC=C×25×250×9/(m×1000)
  • 其中,C为KMnO4浓度(mmol·L-1),25和250分别为KMnO4用量(mL)和稀释倍数,9为1mmol KMnO4消耗碳量(mg),m为烘干土质量(g),1 000为换算数.

  • 1.5 数据分析

  • 土壤水稳性团聚体平均质量直径(Mean Weight Diameter,MWD):

  • MWD=i=1n x-i×wi
  • 其中, x-i为土壤各粒径团聚体的平均直径(mm),wi为第i个筛子的水稳性团聚体质量分数.

  • 土壤有机碳库存量[24]:

  • SOCS=SOC×BD×D×10
  • 其中,SOCS为土壤有机碳库存量(Mg/hm2,以C计),SOC为土壤有机碳质量分数(g/kg),BD为土壤容重(Mg/m3),D为土层深度(m),10为单位换算系数.

  • 土壤碳库活度:

  • 其中,AC为碳库活度,C A为土壤活性有机碳(即能够被333mmol/L KMnO4氧化的有机碳)质量分数(g/kg),C NA为土壤非活性有机碳(即不能够被333mmol/L KMnO4氧化的有机碳)质量分数(g/kg).

  • 各指标在不同处理间的差异采用单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA),多重比较采用最小显著性差异(LSD)法,α=0.05;同一土壤在不同土层间的差异性分析采用独立样本T检验法;TSOC与各活性有机碳组分间的关系采用线性回归分析.统计分析软件为SPSS 26.0v.,图形绘制软件为Origin 2018v..

  • 2 结果与分析

  • 2.1 施用沼液对小麦和玉米产量的影响

  • 各处理的小麦和玉米产量如图1所示.2019和2020年各处理的小麦产量均无显著差异(图1a),说明在现有土壤肥力条件下,施用沼液替代化肥不会造成小麦产量降低.施用沼液第1年对青贮玉米的产量没有明显提升;但施用第2年,BS100和BS150处理的青贮玉米产量显著(P <0.05)高于CF100和CF0处理(图1b).同时,沼液施用后第2年的青贮玉米产量显著(P <0.05)或极显著(P <0.001)高于第1年.这说明与施用化肥的处理相比,沼液施用对作物生长具有明显促进作用.

  • 2.2 施用沼液对耕层土壤团聚体的影响

  • 本研究中土壤团聚体分布特征详见表3.在0~10cm土层中,土壤团聚体以粉黏团聚体居多,大团聚体和微团聚体显著(P <0.05)低于粉黏团聚体.与CF0和CF100相比,施用沼液后粉黏团聚体占比显著(P <0.05)降低,但BS100和BS150处理间无显著差异;相应地,微团聚体和大团聚体占比有所增加.其中,施用沼液后微团聚体的增加不显著,而BS150处理中大团聚体占比则显著(P <0.05)高于CF0处理.这说明施用沼液后表层土壤小团聚体有向大团聚体演化的趋势,且较大的施用量更有利于大团聚体的形成,这与施用固体有机肥的研究结果相似[25].

  • 图1 沼液连续施用后小麦(a)和青贮玉米(b)的产量

  • Fig.1 Yields of (a) wheat and (b) silage maize in the experiment after application of digested dairy slurry

  • 与0~10cm土层相比,10~20cm土层中土壤团聚体的分布略有差异,即粉黏团聚体>微团聚体>大团聚体.大团聚体的占比显著(P <0.05)低于表层土壤,而微团聚体和粉黏团聚体占比却明显增加.施肥后,亚表层土壤大团聚体有所提升,特别是施用沼液的处理,促进大团聚体形成的趋势更为明显.与CF100相比,BS100和BS150处理的土壤微团聚体占比显著(P <0.05)增加,而粉黏团聚体相应减少.

  • 施用沼液后表层和亚表层土壤团聚体MWD值显著(P <0.05)高于对照和施用化肥的处理,这说明施用沼液后表层和亚表层土壤团聚体稳定性明显增加,这与其他施用固体有机肥的研究结果相一致[5,26].

  • 2.3 施用沼液对耕层土壤碳库与活度的影响

  • 施用沼液后耕层土壤碳库和活度的变化特征如图2所示.施用沼液后耕层土壤碳库存显著(P <0.05)提高(图2a).在0~10cm土层中,施用沼液后土壤碳库存比对照处理增加19.7%,相对于施用化肥的处理增加了35.2%.在10~20cm土层中,土壤碳库均极显著(P <0.001)降低,主要与植物凋落物和微生物活动减少有关.施用沼液后10~20cm土壤碳库存比对照处理分别增加29.2%和27.8%,比施用化肥的处理分别增加27.2%和25.9%.施用沼液后耕层土壤碳库活度略有提高(图2b).在0~10cm土层中,施用沼液相对于施用化肥的处理碳库活度增幅不明显,但BS150处理显著(P <0.05)高于CF0处理.这说明施用沼液会通过活性碳的输入提升表层土壤碳库活度,不利于土壤碳库的稳定.在10~20cm土层中,土壤碳库活度相对于0~10cm土层略有提升,其中CF100处理的增幅显著(P <0.05).这与土壤碳库存的变化趋势相反,说明亚表层土壤碳库活度对外源有机物的输入可能更加敏感.

  • 表3 不同处理中耕层土壤团聚体分布特征

  • Table3 Distribution of soil aggregates in the depth of 0-20cm soils for different treatments

  • 注:不同大写和小写字母分别表示0~10cm和10~20cm土层各处理间差异显著(P <0.05);ns、*、**和***分别表示同一处理不同土层之间差异不显著(P >0.05)、差异显著(P <0.05)、差异极显著(P <0.01、0.001).

  • 图2 不同处理中0~10cm和10~20cm土层的土壤碳库存(a)与土壤碳库活度(b)

  • Fig.2 (a) Soil carbon storage and (b) soil carbon pool activity in the soil layers of 0-10and 10-20cm for different treatments

  • 2.4 施用沼液对土壤团聚体有机碳及其活性组分的影响

  • 土壤大团聚体中有机碳及其活性组分的变化特征如图3所示.在0~10cm土层中,施用沼液处理的土壤大团聚体中TSOC、MSOC和HSOC含量显著(P <0.05)高于CF0和CF100处理(图3a、c、d),而LSOC有小幅下降的趋势(图3b);在10~20cm土层中,土壤大团聚体中总有机碳及其各组分含量均显著(P <0.05)或极显著(P <0.01或0.001)低于表土层土壤,这与土壤有机碳随土层深度的增加逐渐降低的结论一致.与CF0和CF100相比,施用沼液的处理中TSOC和MSOC含量均增加显著(P <0.05),而LSOC和HSOC均没有明显变化.这说明施用沼液对土壤大团聚体中活性较高的MSOC和HSOC有明显的促进作用.

  • 土壤微团聚体中总有机碳及各活性组分的变化特征如图4所示.在0~10cm土层中,施用沼液处理的土壤微团聚体中TSOC、LSOC、MSOC和HSOC含量显著(P <0.05)高于CF0处理,但与CF100处理相比,差异均不显著;在10~20cm土层中,土壤总有机碳及各组分的含量有所下降,这与大团聚体中的结果一致.除了TSOC外(P <0.05),其他活性碳组分在各处理之间无显著差异.总体来看,施用沼液对耕层土壤微团聚体中总有机碳及各活性组分含量的影响不大.

  • 土壤粉黏团聚体中总有机碳及各活性组分的变化特征如图5所示.在0~10cm土层中,施用沼液对该层土壤有机碳及其活性组分的提升效果不显著;在10~20cm土层中,土壤总有机碳及各组分的含量有所下降,这与大团聚体和微团聚体中的结果一致,但降幅与二者相比有所减少.然而,BS150处理中MSOC含量有增加的趋势(图5c).施用沼液后,土壤粉黏团聚体中TSOC显著(P <0.05)高于其他处理,LSOC和MSOC在各处理间没有显著变化,但HSOC有降低的趋势,特别是BS100处理降幅明显(P <0.05,图5d).这表明短期沼液施用对土壤粉黏团聚体中高活性有机碳没有增效作用,更有利于土壤碳库的稳定和增加.

  • 2.5 土壤团聚体有机碳对碳库的贡献

  • 不同团聚体中有机碳及其活性组分在全土中的占比如图6所示.总体来看,土壤团聚体中有机碳含量大小为大团聚体>微团聚体>粉黏团聚体[27].在0~10cm土层中,大团聚体、微团聚体和粉黏团聚体中的有机碳占土壤总有机碳的比例分别在41.2%~47.2%、30.8%~34.3%和21.0%~25.0%之间(图6a).施用沼液后,大团聚体中有机碳占比显著(P <0.05)高于施用化肥和对照处理.在10~20cm土层中,大团聚体中有机碳占比明显降低,而微团聚体和粉黏团聚体中有机碳的占比相应增加,三者分别占该层土壤总有机碳的22.6%~27.6%、24.0%~42.8%和32.1%~48.4%.施用沼液后,大团聚体和微团聚体中SOC的占比均显著(P <0.05)提高.这进一步证明,表层TSOC的增加主要源于大团聚体的增加,而亚表层则主要源于大团聚体和微团聚体共同增加的结果.团聚体各活性有机碳对全土的贡献与上述结论基本一致(图6b-d).

  • 图3 土壤大团聚体中有机碳及其活性组分质量分数

  • Fig.3 Mass fractions of organic carbon and its active components in soil macro aggregates

  • 有机碳与各活性有机碳组分间的相关性分析结果如图7所示.在0~10cm和10~20cm中,TSOC与LSOC、MSOC和HSOC均存在显著(P <0.05)或极显著(P <0.01)正相关(图7a和a′).这与前人的研究结果相似[15,28],即土壤有机质和活性有机碳之间成显著正相关.然而,在不同团聚体中,ASOC与TSOC的相关性存在差异.具体表现为:在0~10cm土层大团聚体中TSOC与HSOC和MSOC呈显著(P <0.05或0.01)正相关(图7b),微团聚体中TSOC与HSOC和LSOC呈显著(P <0.05或0.01)正相关,而与MSOC呈(P<0.05)负相关(图7c),粉黏团聚体中TSOC仅与HSOC呈极显著(P <0.01)正相关(图7d);在10~20cm土层大团聚体中TSOC与HSOC和LSOC呈极显著(P <0.01)正相关(图7b′);微团聚体中TSOC与HSOC和MSOC呈极显著(P <0.01)正相关(图7c′),粉黏团聚体中TSOC与HSOC和MSOC呈显著(P <0.05或0.01)正相关关系(图7d′).

  • 3 讨论

  • 土壤团聚体是由不同尺度矿物颗粒和胶体物质共同参与发生凝聚胶结作用而形成的大小不一的多孔介质结构体[27],也是土壤有机碳稳定性的主要影响因子,其中团聚体的团聚作用被认为是土壤有机碳固定的核心机制.施用沼液后表层土壤小团聚体有向大团聚体演化的趋势,且施用量越大,大团聚体数量越多,这与施用固体有机肥的研究结果相似[25].水稳性大团聚体含量是影响土壤团聚体稳定性的主要因素[29].相关模型认为,大团聚体由微团聚体加上有机结合剂组成,可以提供土壤有机质的物理化学保护机制,进而保护有机碳不受微生物分解[30].这说明,施用沼液后表层土壤自身稳定性得以提高.MWD是综合评估土壤团聚体稳定性的重要指标[5],施用沼液后MWD的增加进一步证实了上述研究结果.一方面沼液等有机物为团聚体的形成提供了核心,另一方面沼液中的腐殖质、微生物分泌物及死细胞等物质能够增加团聚体之间的黏合能力,可将粉黏团聚体和微团聚体等结合成大团聚体,并增加团聚体抵抗外力的能力,进而增加土壤团聚体的稳定性[27].

  • 图4 土壤微团聚体中总有机碳及其活性组分质量分数

  • Fig.4 Mass fractions of organic carbon and its active components in soil micro aggregates

  • 施用沼液后亚表层土壤中大团聚体的占比显著(P <0.05)低于表层土壤,这主要是由于土壤大团聚体与植物凋落物、根系分泌物密切相关,而亚表层土壤中二者都比表层土壤少,因此导致该层土壤大团聚体减少[31];相反地,该层土壤微团聚体和粉黏团聚体占比却明显增加.与固体有机肥等有机物相比,畜禽粪便源沼液含水量高(95%以上),胶体含量高,细颗粒含量高,且更容易向深层土壤运移,为土壤团粒结构的形成提供了更多有机胶结物质;同时,沼液中溶解性有机物含量高[32],更容易为土壤微生物活动提供能量和养分,提高微生物的代谢活性,而微生物分泌的多糖、有机酸等亲水性物质与土壤矿物颗粒结合,又进一步提高了土壤团聚体的稳定性和土壤物理结构的构建.粉黏团聚体是长期固碳的稳定场所,其中的有机碳不易为微生物分解[27],说明沼液施用对深层土壤固碳有一定的促进作用.

  • 土壤有机碳是土壤团聚体形成的重要胶结物质,其对土壤团聚体的结构稳定有显著影响[26],二者之间相辅相成的关系对土壤碳固存和有机碳活性都具有重要的作用[31].施用沼液后耕层土壤碳库存显著(P <0.05)提高.沼液施用对土壤碳库存增加主要有两方面的作用:一是由沼液中有机碳输入的直接影响[33].前期研究发现,本研究场区奶牛粪沼液中有机质质量分数均值为383.72g/kg,依此核算,夏季会向土壤中带入1.81×104~2.72×104 kg/hm2有机碳,冬季向土壤中带入2.72×104~4.08×104 kg/hm2有机碳.二是沼液施用后提高了作物生物量,进而通过根系分泌物和秸秆残体进入农田而间接增加了有机碳输入[34].土壤碳库活度可用来反映土壤碳库稳定性及土壤固碳能力,一般碳库活度越大则稳定性越差.施用沼液后耕层土壤碳库活度略有提高,特别是亚表层土壤的碳库活度比表层土壤大.这反映出施用沼液会通过活性碳的输入提升土壤碳库活度,可能造成短期内土壤活性碳库波动较大,且亚表层土壤碳库活度对外源有机物的输入可能更加敏感.

  • 图5 土壤粉黏团聚体中总有机碳及其活性组分质量分数

  • Fig.5 Mass fractions of organic carbon and its active components in soil silty clay aggregates

  • 土壤不同团聚体中有机碳及其活性组分是土壤碳库动态变化的重要指标,对准确评价和预测土壤固碳潜力具有积极作用.土壤团聚体中有机碳含量大小依次为大团聚体>微团聚体>粉黏团聚体[27].本研究结果表明,施用沼液后表层TSOC的增加主要源于大团聚体的增加,而亚表层则主要源于大团聚体和微团聚体共同增加的结果.土壤有机质和活性有机碳之间为显著正相关[15,28].施用沼液对土壤大团聚体中活性较高的MSOC和HSOC有明显的促进作用,而大量研究也表明这两个活性组分变化对外源有机物的输入更加敏感[35-36].短期施用沼液对土壤微团聚体中总有机碳及各活性组分含量的影响不大,对土壤粉黏团聚体中高活性有机碳没有增效作用,更有利于土壤碳库的稳定和增加.施用沼液后耕层大团聚体和粉黏团聚体土壤有机碳与HSOC均呈正相关关系,这也与梁彩群等[37]研究结果相似,即SOC与活性有机碳的相关性会随着土壤团聚体粒径的增大而更加显著.这说明施用沼液后HSOC的变化对土壤碳库的影响最大.

  • 4 结论

  • 1)施用沼液后表层土壤小团聚体有向大团聚体演化的趋势,且较大的施用量更有利于大团聚体的形成.亚表层土壤中微团聚体占比显著(P <0.05)增加,而粉黏团聚体相应减少.施用沼液后土壤团聚体MWD值显著(P <0.05)提高,土壤团聚体稳定性明显增加.

  • 图6 不同团聚体中有机碳及其活性组分在全土中的占比

  • Fig.6 Proportions of SOC and its active compositions in aggregates to total soil organic carbon

  • 2)施用沼液后耕层土壤碳库存显著(P <0.05)提高,分别比对照处理增加了19.7%~29.2%,比施用化肥的处理增加了25.9%~35.2%.表层土壤有机碳的增加主要源于大团聚体中有机碳的增加,而亚表层则主要源于大团聚体和微团聚体中有机碳共同增加的结果,HSOC的变化对土壤碳库的影响最大.

  • 3)施用沼液后耕层土壤碳库活度略有提高,说明施用沼液会通过活性碳的输入提升耕层土壤碳库活度,且亚表层土壤碳库活度对外源有机物的输入更加敏感,这主要是土壤大团聚体中活性较高的MSOC和HSOC有所增强所致.

  • 图7 土壤活性有机碳与土壤总有机碳的线性回归分析

  • Fig.7 Linear regression analysis between active soil organic carbon (ASOC) and total soil organic carbon (TSOC)

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    • [4] 董红敏,左玲玲,魏莎,等.建立畜禽废弃物养分管理制度促进种养结合绿色发展[J].中国科学院院刊,2019,34(2):180-189DONG Hongmin,ZUO Lingling,WEI Sha,et al.Establish manure nutrient management plan to promote green development of integrated crop-livestock production system[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2019,34(2):180-189

    • [5] Annabi M,Bissonnais Y L,Villio-Poitrenaud M L,et al.Improvement of soil aggregate stability by repeated applications of organic amendments to a cultivated silty loam soil[J].Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment,2011,144(1):382-389

    • [6] Shahzad T,Anwar F,Hussain S,et al.Carbon dynamics in surface and deep soil in response to increasing litter addition rates in an agro-ecosystem[J].Geoderma,2019,333:1-9

    • [7] Bastida F,Garcia C,Fierer N,et al.Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect[J].Nature Communications,2019,10(1):3481

    • [8] Maillard E,Angers D A,Chantigny M,et al.Carbon accumulates in organo-mineral complexes after long-term liquid dairy manure application[J].Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment,2015,202:108-119

    • [9] Puerta V L,Pereira E I P,Wittwer R,et al.Improvement of soil structure through organic crop management,conservation tillage and grass-clover ley[J].Soil and Tillage Research,2018,180(1):1-9

    • [10] Du Z J,Chen X M,Qi X B,et al.The effects of biochar and hoggery biogas slurry on fluvo-aquic soil physical and hydraulic properties:a field study of four consecutive wheat-maize rotations[J].Journal of Soils & Sediments,2016,16(8):2050-2058

    • [11] Du Z J,Xiao Y T,Qi X B,et al.Peanut-shell biochar and biogas slurry improve soil properties in the North China Plain:a four-year field study[J].Scientific Reports,2018,8(1):13724

    • [12] Dai H C,Chen Y Q,Liu K C,et al.Water-stable aggregates and carbon accumulation in barren sandy soil depend on organic amendment method:a three-year field study[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,212:393-400

    • [13] Zheng X B,Fan J B,Xu L,et al.Effects of combined application of biogas slurry and chemical fertilizer on soil aggregation and C/N distribution in an ultisol[J].PLoS One,2017,12(1):1-16

    • [14] Xu M G,Lou Y L,Sun X L,et al.Soil organic carbon active fractions as early indicators for total carbon change under straw incorporation[J].Biology and Fertility of Soils,2011,47(7):745-752

    • [15] Cao Z Y,Wang Y,Li J,et al.Soil organic carbon contents,aggregate stability,and humic acid composition in different alpine grasslands in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J].Journal of Mountain Science,2016,13(11):2015-2027

    • [16] Zheng X B,Dong J X,Zhang W H,et al.Biogas residue biochar shifted bacterial community,mineralization,and molecular structure of organic carbon in a sandy loam Alfisol[J].GCB Bioenergy,2021,13(5):838-848

    • [17] 杨丽霞,潘剑君.土壤活性有机碳库测定方法研究进展[J].土壤通报,2004,35(4):502-506YANG Lixia,PAN Jianjun.Progress in the study of measurements of soil active organic carbon pool[J].Chinese Journal of Soil Science,2004,35(4):502-506

    • [18] Loginow W,Wisniewski W,Slawomir S,et al.Fractionation of organic carbon based on oxidation susceptibility[J].Polish Journal of Soil Science,1987,20:47-52

    • [19] Lefroy R D B,Blair G J,Strong W M.Change in soil organic matter with cropping as measured by organic carbon fractions and 13C natural isotope abundance[J].Plant and Soil,1993,155:399-402

    • [20] Biederbeck VO,Janzen H H,Campbell C A,et al.Labile soil organic matter as influenced by cropping practices in an arid environment[J].Soil Biology and Biochemistry,1994,26(12):1647-1656

    • [21] Yan L L,Liu Q P,Liu C,et al.Effect of swine biogas slurry application on soil dissolved organic matter(DOM)content and fluorescence characteristics[J].Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2019,184:109616

    • [22] Elliott E T.Aggregate structure and carbon,nitrogen,and phosphorus in native and cultivated soils[J].Soil Science Society of America,1986,50(3):627-633

    • [23] 鲍士旦.土壤农化分析 [M].3版.北京:中国农业出版社,2000

    • [24] 朱荣玮.施用沼液和生物炭对土壤团聚体有机碳及其微生物多样性的影响[D].南京:南京林业大学,2019ZHU Rongwei.Effects of biogas slurry and biochar on soil aggregate organic carbon and microbial community diversity[D].Nanjing:Nanjing Forestry University,2019

    • [25] Tripathi R,Nayak A K,Bhattacharyya P,et al.Soil aggregation and distribution of carbon and nitrogen in different fractions after 41 years long-term fertilizer experiment in tropical rice-rice system[J].Geoderma,2014,213(1):280-286

    • [26] 孙雪,张玉铭,张丽娟,等.长期添加外源有机物料对华北农田土壤团聚体有机碳组分的影响[J].中国生态农业学报,2021,29(8):1384-1396SUN Xue,ZHANG Yuming,ZHANG Lijuan,et al.Effects of long-term exogenous organic material addition on the organic carbon composition of soil aggregates in farmlands of North China[J].Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture,2021,29(8):1384-1396

    • [27] 朱锟恒,段良霞,李元辰,等.土壤团聚体有机碳研究进展[J].中国农学通报,2021,37(21):86-90ZHU Kunheng,DUAN Liangxia,LI Yuanchen,et al.Research progress of organic carbon in soil aggregates[J].Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin,2021,37(21):86-90

    • [28] Ghosh B N,Meena V S,Singh R J,et al.Effects of fertilization on soil aggregation,carbon distribution and carbon management index of maize-wheat rotation in the north-western Indian Himalayas[J].Ecological Indicators,2019,105:415-424

    • [29] Zou C M,Li Y,Huang W,et al.Rotation and manure amendment increase soil macro-aggregates and associated carbon and nitrogen stocks in flue-cured tobacco production[J].Geoderma,2018,325:49-58

    • [30] Mustafa A,Xu M G,Shah S A A,et al.Soil aggregation and soil aggregate stability regulate organic carbon and nitrogen storage in a red soil of southern China[J].Journal of Environmental Management,2020,270:110894

    • [31] Jiang M B,Wang X H,Liusui Y H,et al.Variation of soil aggregation and intra-aggregate carbon by long-term fertilization with aggregate formation in a grey desert soil[J].Catena,2017,149:437-445

    • [32] 娄梦函,朱燕云,朱宁,等.中温厌氧消化对猪、奶牛粪中腐殖质含量及结构的影响[J].中国沼气,2020,38(3):10-17LOU Menghan,ZHU Yanyun,ZHU Ning,et al.The effects of mesophilic anaerobic digestion on humus content and its structure in pig and dairy manure[J].China Biogas,2020,38(3):10-17

    • [33] Bachmann S,Gropp M,Eichler-Lbermann B.Phosphorus availability and soil microbial activity in a 3 year field experiment amended with digested dairy slurry[J].Biomass & Bioenergy,2014,70:429-439

    • [34] Six J,Bossuyt H,Degryze S,et al.A history of research on the link between(micro)aggregates,soil biota,and soil organic matter dynamics[J].Soil and Tillage Research,2004,79(1):7-31

    • [35] Han D R,Wiesmeier M,Conant R T,et al.Large soil organic carbon increase due to improved agronomic management in the North China Plain from 1980s to 2010s[J].Global Change Biology,2018,24(3):987-1000

    • [36] Mandal M,Kamp P,Singh M.Effect of long term manuring on carbon sequestration potential and dynamics of soil organic carbon labile pool under tropical rice-rice agro-ecosystem[J].Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis,2020,51(4):468-480

    • [37] 梁彩群,刘国彬,王国梁,等.黄土高原人工刺槐林土壤团聚体中不同活性有机碳从南到北的变化特征[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(3):1095-1102LIANG Caiqun,LIU Guobin,WANG Guoliang,et al.Variation characteristics of different labile organic carbon in soil aggregates of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation from south to north in the Loess Plateau[J].Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,2020,40(3):1095-1102

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    • [4] 董红敏,左玲玲,魏莎,等.建立畜禽废弃物养分管理制度促进种养结合绿色发展[J].中国科学院院刊,2019,34(2):180-189DONG Hongmin,ZUO Lingling,WEI Sha,et al.Establish manure nutrient management plan to promote green development of integrated crop-livestock production system[J].Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2019,34(2):180-189

    • [5] Annabi M,Bissonnais Y L,Villio-Poitrenaud M L,et al.Improvement of soil aggregate stability by repeated applications of organic amendments to a cultivated silty loam soil[J].Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment,2011,144(1):382-389

    • [6] Shahzad T,Anwar F,Hussain S,et al.Carbon dynamics in surface and deep soil in response to increasing litter addition rates in an agro-ecosystem[J].Geoderma,2019,333:1-9

    • [7] Bastida F,Garcia C,Fierer N,et al.Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect[J].Nature Communications,2019,10(1):3481

    • [8] Maillard E,Angers D A,Chantigny M,et al.Carbon accumulates in organo-mineral complexes after long-term liquid dairy manure application[J].Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment,2015,202:108-119

    • [9] Puerta V L,Pereira E I P,Wittwer R,et al.Improvement of soil structure through organic crop management,conservation tillage and grass-clover ley[J].Soil and Tillage Research,2018,180(1):1-9

    • [10] Du Z J,Chen X M,Qi X B,et al.The effects of biochar and hoggery biogas slurry on fluvo-aquic soil physical and hydraulic properties:a field study of four consecutive wheat-maize rotations[J].Journal of Soils & Sediments,2016,16(8):2050-2058

    • [11] Du Z J,Xiao Y T,Qi X B,et al.Peanut-shell biochar and biogas slurry improve soil properties in the North China Plain:a four-year field study[J].Scientific Reports,2018,8(1):13724

    • [12] Dai H C,Chen Y Q,Liu K C,et al.Water-stable aggregates and carbon accumulation in barren sandy soil depend on organic amendment method:a three-year field study[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,212:393-400

    • [13] Zheng X B,Fan J B,Xu L,et al.Effects of combined application of biogas slurry and chemical fertilizer on soil aggregation and C/N distribution in an ultisol[J].PLoS One,2017,12(1):1-16

    • [14] Xu M G,Lou Y L,Sun X L,et al.Soil organic carbon active fractions as early indicators for total carbon change under straw incorporation[J].Biology and Fertility of Soils,2011,47(7):745-752

    • [15] Cao Z Y,Wang Y,Li J,et al.Soil organic carbon contents,aggregate stability,and humic acid composition in different alpine grasslands in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J].Journal of Mountain Science,2016,13(11):2015-2027

    • [16] Zheng X B,Dong J X,Zhang W H,et al.Biogas residue biochar shifted bacterial community,mineralization,and molecular structure of organic carbon in a sandy loam Alfisol[J].GCB Bioenergy,2021,13(5):838-848

    • [17] 杨丽霞,潘剑君.土壤活性有机碳库测定方法研究进展[J].土壤通报,2004,35(4):502-506YANG Lixia,PAN Jianjun.Progress in the study of measurements of soil active organic carbon pool[J].Chinese Journal of Soil Science,2004,35(4):502-506

    • [18] Loginow W,Wisniewski W,Slawomir S,et al.Fractionation of organic carbon based on oxidation susceptibility[J].Polish Journal of Soil Science,1987,20:47-52

    • [19] Lefroy R D B,Blair G J,Strong W M.Change in soil organic matter with cropping as measured by organic carbon fractions and 13C natural isotope abundance[J].Plant and Soil,1993,155:399-402

    • [20] Biederbeck VO,Janzen H H,Campbell C A,et al.Labile soil organic matter as influenced by cropping practices in an arid environment[J].Soil Biology and Biochemistry,1994,26(12):1647-1656

    • [21] Yan L L,Liu Q P,Liu C,et al.Effect of swine biogas slurry application on soil dissolved organic matter(DOM)content and fluorescence characteristics[J].Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2019,184:109616

    • [22] Elliott E T.Aggregate structure and carbon,nitrogen,and phosphorus in native and cultivated soils[J].Soil Science Society of America,1986,50(3):627-633

    • [23] 鲍士旦.土壤农化分析 [M].3版.北京:中国农业出版社,2000

    • [24] 朱荣玮.施用沼液和生物炭对土壤团聚体有机碳及其微生物多样性的影响[D].南京:南京林业大学,2019ZHU Rongwei.Effects of biogas slurry and biochar on soil aggregate organic carbon and microbial community diversity[D].Nanjing:Nanjing Forestry University,2019

    • [25] Tripathi R,Nayak A K,Bhattacharyya P,et al.Soil aggregation and distribution of carbon and nitrogen in different fractions after 41 years long-term fertilizer experiment in tropical rice-rice system[J].Geoderma,2014,213(1):280-286

    • [26] 孙雪,张玉铭,张丽娟,等.长期添加外源有机物料对华北农田土壤团聚体有机碳组分的影响[J].中国生态农业学报,2021,29(8):1384-1396SUN Xue,ZHANG Yuming,ZHANG Lijuan,et al.Effects of long-term exogenous organic material addition on the organic carbon composition of soil aggregates in farmlands of North China[J].Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture,2021,29(8):1384-1396

    • [27] 朱锟恒,段良霞,李元辰,等.土壤团聚体有机碳研究进展[J].中国农学通报,2021,37(21):86-90ZHU Kunheng,DUAN Liangxia,LI Yuanchen,et al.Research progress of organic carbon in soil aggregates[J].Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin,2021,37(21):86-90

    • [28] Ghosh B N,Meena V S,Singh R J,et al.Effects of fertilization on soil aggregation,carbon distribution and carbon management index of maize-wheat rotation in the north-western Indian Himalayas[J].Ecological Indicators,2019,105:415-424

    • [29] Zou C M,Li Y,Huang W,et al.Rotation and manure amendment increase soil macro-aggregates and associated carbon and nitrogen stocks in flue-cured tobacco production[J].Geoderma,2018,325:49-58

    • [30] Mustafa A,Xu M G,Shah S A A,et al.Soil aggregation and soil aggregate stability regulate organic carbon and nitrogen storage in a red soil of southern China[J].Journal of Environmental Management,2020,270:110894

    • [31] Jiang M B,Wang X H,Liusui Y H,et al.Variation of soil aggregation and intra-aggregate carbon by long-term fertilization with aggregate formation in a grey desert soil[J].Catena,2017,149:437-445

    • [32] 娄梦函,朱燕云,朱宁,等.中温厌氧消化对猪、奶牛粪中腐殖质含量及结构的影响[J].中国沼气,2020,38(3):10-17LOU Menghan,ZHU Yanyun,ZHU Ning,et al.The effects of mesophilic anaerobic digestion on humus content and its structure in pig and dairy manure[J].China Biogas,2020,38(3):10-17

    • [33] Bachmann S,Gropp M,Eichler-Lbermann B.Phosphorus availability and soil microbial activity in a 3 year field experiment amended with digested dairy slurry[J].Biomass & Bioenergy,2014,70:429-439

    • [34] Six J,Bossuyt H,Degryze S,et al.A history of research on the link between(micro)aggregates,soil biota,and soil organic matter dynamics[J].Soil and Tillage Research,2004,79(1):7-31

    • [35] Han D R,Wiesmeier M,Conant R T,et al.Large soil organic carbon increase due to improved agronomic management in the North China Plain from 1980s to 2010s[J].Global Change Biology,2018,24(3):987-1000

    • [36] Mandal M,Kamp P,Singh M.Effect of long term manuring on carbon sequestration potential and dynamics of soil organic carbon labile pool under tropical rice-rice agro-ecosystem[J].Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis,2020,51(4):468-480

    • [37] 梁彩群,刘国彬,王国梁,等.黄土高原人工刺槐林土壤团聚体中不同活性有机碳从南到北的变化特征[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(3):1095-1102LIANG Caiqun,LIU Guobin,WANG Guoliang,et al.Variation characteristics of different labile organic carbon in soil aggregates of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation from south to north in the Loess Plateau[J].Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,2020,40(3):1095-1102

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