

Stochastic gradient estimation algorithm for multiple-input systems based on the output estimation
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    For multiple-input single-output output-error systems,a difficulty is that the information vector in the identification model contains the unknown system outputs (true outputs or noise-free outputs),thus the standard identification algorithm cannot be applied directly.This paper presents a stochastic gradient identification algorithm based on the unknown output estimation.The basic idea is to replace the true output with the output estimate which is predicted/estimated by the estimated model,and also to compute the system parameter estimates by using the output estimates.Convergence of the proposed algorithm is studied and a simulation example is provided.

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    发 布

DING Feng. Stochastic gradient estimation algorithm for multiple-input systems based on the output estimation[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2010,(6):481-488

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  • 收稿日期:2010-10-18

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